(602) 492-7850
Through a variety of philanthropic and social activities, King Solomon Lodge #14 inspires its members to adopt important values such as leadership, empathy and ambition, and to always strive for excellence.
Since 2000, members have upheld these values through academic success, philanthropy, character development and solid relationship-building skills. Our members are actively involved in many events throughout the year, allowing them to create lifelong bonds and consistently give back to the community.
As a lodge, our first priority is to our lodge brothers and family member. We take look out for our sick and distressed, we take care of out widows and orphans, and we provide relief to our brothers in need.
King Solomon Lodge #14 has been very active as a Prince Hall Lodge. We have numerous active Past Masters who are officers in the Grand Lodge.
King Solomon Lodge #14 has their monthly stated meetings on the 1st Thursday of every month at the Prince Hall Grand Lodge building located at 6035 S. 24th St. All dues card holding Freemasons are welcome! Please speak to the sitting WM before you visit and bring your apron.